Tuesday 14 September 2010

Enemy Of The State

1. The tension is built up via the different types of camera shots and angles used in the scene. The shots move from the actors to their faces to various other images on screen. The speed of the shots increases tension and the pace of the scene and movie with close-ups of the actors faces showing their facial expressions so the audience can understand the emotions the characters are going through.

2.The close-ups and angles of the camera are used to express the feelings and emotions the characters are going through. This gives the audience a better understanding of the characters and adds realism to the scene and movie also explaining the relationship each character has with each other.

3. 2.38-2.58 - The characters are pacing around the room moving and talking quickly with the camera angles and shots consisting of close-ups, mid-shots and extreme close-ups. The camera moves quickly going form one shot to another, from the characters to other various images and objects in the room. The scene goes from the computer screen showing bold letters saying 'Eyes Only' to one of the characters holding his head in frustration. This shows a quick paced scene which builds tension and suspense. At the same time there are other characters on another location closing in on the first two characters location which signifies something big is about to happen - which makes the audience want to watch more of the movie and be on the edge of their seat at the same time.

4.The quick paced camera shots with the amount of camera angles all fit in well with the genre (thriller) as it does build suspense and tension, just like a good thriller should. It makes the audience crave for more and the scene that was shot does it perfectly.

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